Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jan2009 Updates Donna44306 Pages.

I have a related mybloglog group..My name is donna mae or I go by miss mae as well okay my friends.Just wanna to say hello.How are you doing ? Soon gonna be adding more links and more stuff be me okay club pages.So when I add them check them out okay.In June of this year I will be turning 24 years old..right know I'm 23 yrs old but I look like I'm about 15yrs old in the face..I got an teenager look face pluse I am like 5'3' in tall.More Coming Soon Jan or Feb 2009 at blog time 15:46:25.

My Blog Updates For Dec2008.
  • I just update profile blog information today.This site is my home page for my other websites links I am an member of or I just run..kinda like this site.
  • Updates page home info very soon..revamping site for old look to my new style.I been an member for an long time of this site from 2002 to 2008 right now..soon it will be 2009.*smile =D*
  • Bio: My name is donna mae.I mostly like editing pictures and playing video games like tomb raider.Also love to hangout with my friends but there too busy..which makes me very sad.Also know a little french I don't remember that much..have 3 half year of french class all together.
  • Interests: Garfield high school,video game,roleplaying,fan art,editing pictures,buffy the vampire slayer,angel series tv show,rock music,rod reno,france,cool looking cars,stuffed animal,my website pages,and my friends.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dzone blogs page by donna mae.


Can you answer 51 questions about the 1st person on your top friends list on myspace ?

Don’t change your top friend.

1) What’s their name? Brandon

2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes.

P.S ;Would mind being his gf.Just a wish only.

3) Do you get along with this person all the time? yes,i hope so.

4) How old is the person? 28

5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? no,but he know how to cook.

6) Is this person older than you? 6 years older.

7)Have you kissed this person? wanna kiss him but,can’t it’s not right.

9) Are you related to this person? no,just friends only.

10) Are you really close to him/her?
no really,wanna be closer.

11) Nickname?
LoverBoy Or Mr.Funny Or Beau Ami

13) How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
Was About Everyday;Now Too Busy Too.=(

14) Do you think they will repost this?
Don’t Know That.

15) Could you live with this person?
yes,for life if i could.

16) Why is this person your number 1?

He’s no1 because,totally inlove with him and he the greatest friend anyone could every have x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

18) How long have you known this person? Meet in 2002,but only hangout 1 time only.What too hangout more then 1 time...i miss him too much....very much much so.

19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? no.

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? no,but want too w/him. =)

21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
yes,way too much I would die.

23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person?
not yet.

24) Do you know everything about this person?

25) Would you date this person’s siblings?
hmmm...don’t know.

26) Have you ever made something with this person?
no,party with him kinda.

29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person?
no,wanting tooo alot;too freakin’ sexy.

31) Is your 1 on drugs?
no - hope not,but his my drug.

33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes?

34) Have you and your 1 person made up a hand shake?
no,sound fun and stupid.

35) If it was "freaky friday" would you switch bodies with this person?
yes,fo’sure so i could do some crazy stuff too him.
or just too have my way with him.=D

36) Have you ever heard this person sing?
no,would love too.

38) Do you and this person have a saying?
no,but would what one.

39) Do you know this persons myspace password?
no,way - not right.

41) Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 months?

44.) Have you and this person gone clubbing?
no,what too go clubbing w/him.

45) Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
yes- i hope so.

46) Do you and this person talk alot?
sometimes,would love it all the time.

47) Do you like this person?

He is best ever,beautiful soul and just a hottie.hope this don’t give him an ego here.don’t wanna give him an EGO ever...Love Him The Way He Is.=)

48) Has this person yelled at you?

49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight?

50) Do you want to go out with this person?

51) Do you want to be friends with them forever?

58 Friends on my facebook profile.

I have an total of 58 friends on my facebook profile..mostly just family and high school friends.Now facebook's allowing to by user name,my name dmaegrlakron.*smile*

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gfieldnetrr25 Geocities Pages.

Preview of my old layout design edited by me.Check out new lyts It's from aberisk.Haven't updates all the way just yet.I will very soon feb 2009 something,It's site hub for my stuff.Click picture of old layout it's link to my site page or click the url below okay.*smile happily =D*
  • Moved to website url; http://dmaeclub.freehostia.com
  • Website url; http://www.geocities.com/gfieldnetrr25/

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Updates Jan 2009!

Hello,My name is donna mae and this blog for all my blog log stuff.Like my blog log related pages and artwork by me.Check out my other weblinks.Haven't finish making my fansite pages just yet.I am going to very soon like Jan or Feb 2009.My favorite thing to do is mostly edited pictures and edited my website pages.Also like to hangout with my friends as well.Hope you all have a great day today okay.*smile happily =D*